Kidney transplantation

Living Kidney Donation- What the donor must know.

Are you considering donating a kidney to a family member or friend?

If you are, This post is for you to help empower you to be a smart kidney donor. 

Wanting to donate a kidney to improve or even save the life of another person suffering from kidney failure is a noble and honorable thing. The donation of a live kidney is the best option for the recipient compared to donation from a deceased person as it will last longer and work better if put in properly and taken good care of. It is also certainly offers the recipient of the kidney a better and longer life compared to continued dialysis.

However, the most important thing for you to know about kidney donation as a possible donor is that donation is not safe for everybody.

Your primary responsibility is to ensure that it is safe for you to donate a kidney.

The doctors primary responsibility to you as a potential donor is to help you determine if it is safe for you to donate and nothing else.

If you do not really want to be a donor for whatever reason, you should not be forced to do so. Talk to the doctor evaluating you as a donor in private and tell the doctor your concerns. Your doctor will be able to speak confidentially on your behalf and tell the person hoping to get the kidney from you that you are not medically fit to be a kidney donor. The doctor does not need to tell them of your fears or concerns unless you ask them to do so.

First things first – who can donate a kidney?

The person intending to donate a kidney generally should be healthy, be between the ages of 20 and 65, should have 2 kidneys, should not be obesse (defined as a body mass index of >30) and have none of the following.

1) kidney disease or kidney stones

2) high blood pressure or high blood sugar

3) Large amounts of protein or blood in the urine

4) Have normal liver, heart and blood vessel function.

5) Have no ongoing infections, cancers or bleeding issues

6) Be mentally stable

Many people assume that everybody has 2 kidneys. However, it is important to know that many people live normal healthy lives being born with one kidney as long as it doesn’t get diseased. It is estimated that as many as 1 in 1000 to 1 in 1500 (100,000 to 150,000 Nigerians) were born with one kidney so do  not assume you have 2 kidneys and can donate. 

Most kidney transplants in Nigeria are either from related or unrelated living persons that are ABO blood group compatible. This means that a person with blood group O can donate to a patient with any blood group. A person with blood group AB can only donate to persons with blood group AB, while people with blood group B can only donate to patients with blood group B.  People with blood group A can donate only to patients with blood group A.  In special circumstances of donor blood group type A2, donation to patients with blood group O, B and AB is possible but decisions for such need to be very carefully made. Transplant outside these assignments while possible is associated with a higher risk of rejection of the transplant by the recipient and requires more high risk treatments to the recipient such as removal of the spleen or treatment with strong medications. Rhesus blood group is not considered a barrier to kidney transplantation

Donor Testing

As a donor, you need testing done. This is to ensure the you are of the right blood group, you have 2 kidneys, you are healthy, can stand the stress of surgery and do not have silent kidney disease or conditions that can cause kidney disease as well. Testing is also necessary to ensure that you do not transmit infections or cancers to the recipient. A psychological evaluation may also be necessary to ensure you can withstand the emotional stresses that may come during and after kidney donation.

Special testing also needs to be done to ensure you and the recipient are compatible to avoid rejection and help the surgeons know which kidney to take out of the donor and how best to take it out. Some transplant centers require that a donor be related to the recipient while other transplant centers do not insist on such a relationship.

Donor Surgery

As a donor, you should also know who will be performing the surgery and what their track record is. Not all surgeons know how to take out a kidney for the purpose of kidney donation. Taking out the kidney for the purpose of kidney donation is very different from taking the kidney out because of kidney disease. The kidney for donation has to be very carefully handled and it needs to be done quickly with minimal injury to the patient. Therefore ensure your surgeon knows what he or she is doing. Kidney donation surgery can be done in two ways.

The more recent way of taking out the kidney is a more recent and less painful way and is called keyhole or laparoscopic surgery. With this approach, 3 small holes and a 2-3 inch incision are made in your abdomen to remove the kidney. The scars are small, after a while are difficult to see and the recovery time is short. The other way is by open surgery where a long incision 8 or more inches in length is made on your side to take out the kidney. More painful with a longer recovery. Whatever method is used, make sure that the surgeon knows what he is doing. Ask about their complication rates and how many of the procedures they have done to determine their level of experience. A confident doctor should be willing to tell you what you want to know.

The decision to take out the right or the left kidney if prior testing is acceptable really depends on a number of factors that are best determined by the surgeon. However, in general, the right kidney is often selected for removal because it has a longer main artery and vein. Other considerations may make removal of the left kidney a better option.

KidneySolutions-Ikeja-Lagos-Transplant donationKidneySolutions-Ikeja-Lagos-Transplant Donation-2

Risks of kidney donation – short-term and long-term. 

The whole point of testing to ensure that the donor is healthy and finding an experienced surgeon is to ensure that the risk of harm to the donor is as low as possible.

The first living donor kidney transplant was performed over 50 years ago and since then several thousand kidney donations from living persons have been performed. A vast majority of these donors have been doing well several years after donation so the consensus now is that in properly tested and selected donors, the long term outlook is very good. There is also experience from soldiers and other victims of war who were healthy but had to have one kidney removed because of war injuries. These otherwise healthy soldiers or victims of war have also been shown to live well without problems of kidney failure decades afterwards.

However, it is important to know that even if you have 2 kidneys, if you have risk factors for kidney disease or you are not selected properly for donation, you could have problems and possibly end up on dialysis or needing a transplant yourself. 

If after you are evaluated and you are considered a good candidate and eventually donate , you need to follow a few simple rules to ensure all goes well in the long term

1) You must live a healthy life after kidney donation. This means you can not smoke, drink, add weight or engage in any other risky behaviours that could increase your risk for kidney disease.

2) You need to exercise and eat healthy continually.

3) You need to see a doctor at least once a year for the rest of your life. This is not because of a high concern for kidney disease. This is to help identify problems that might lead to kidney disease early so that progressive kidney disease can be treated and hopefully avoided.

Data from the United States shows that the risk of death within 90 days of living kidney donation is approximately 3 per 10,000 donor surgeries. This is better than the risk from laparoscopic gall bladder removal (18 per 10000 cases) or non donor nephrectomy (260 per 10,000). Other risks such as bleeding, infections, problems with wound healing etc occur at a rate of 2 to 5 per 100 cases. The incidence rates in Nigeria or other countries may be significantly different and data is not readily available on such.

The key long term concerns after donation are that of progressive and end stage kidney disease that might also require dialysis or transplant. Similarly, data from the United States and other developed countries show that the long term risk of developing kidney failure in properly selected donors who continue to maintain healthy lifestyle and habits is low.

General acceptability of kidney donation and kidney transplantation. 

Some patients and their families may have concerns that it is religiously unacceptable to get a kidney transplant. The Catholic and Anglican Church, the major Islamic bodies and Jehovah’s Witness church have approved kidney transplantation from either cadaver or living donors. In the case of Jehovah witnesses, the organ is purged/flushed of all blood and transplantation without blood transfusion while risky is possible.


This post is no substitute for an actual evaluation in a medical center by a qualified and experienced professional. This post is not a recommendation to come to KidneySolutions or any other specific medical center either.

This post is only meant to educate and empower potential donors so that the experience of kidney donation is not as frightening, evaluation is properly done and potential donors have an idea of what is going on.


If you have any questions regarding kidney donation, feel free to fill the contact form below. We will endeavour to get back to you with answers as soon as possible.


Upcoming post in January 2014: Transplantation 101- All you need to know as a patient about kidney transplantation


The next blog post is in January 2014 and will be about kidney transplantation as an alternative to dialysis to treat kidney failure in Nigeria.

It will cover all that patients, their families and friends need to know to understand the process. The post will cover the benefits, the risks, the options for a donor kidney currently available in Nigeria, the preparation for the surgery, the surgery itself, life after the surgery and all that is needed to be a successful kidney transplant patient.

Stay tuned

Quality And Clinical Performance Measures in Kidney Disease And Dialysis Care In Nigeria

Healthcare quality has several dimensions that are all inter-related

Healthcare quality has several dimensions that are all inter-related

“The wish for healing has always been half of health”

– Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC- AD 65)

The quote above by Lucius Annaeus Seneca has made many think about what the other half of health or healing is. The other half could be represented by any number of actions including getting an actual diagnosis and treatment but an important part is the conscious effort on the part of the person desiring health to inform him or herself of their disease and not only to seek help but find “high quality ” help.

To support the quest of those in need for the other half of a health, this discussion on quality and clinical performance measures in kidney disease and dialysis care in Nigeria will start with a brief explanation of the functions of the kidney and kidney disease.

The kidneys are important organs with the important function of removing waste products and toxins from the body. These wastes and toxins are filtered out into the urine. The kidney also is important for the regulation of blood pressure and for creating the signals to the bone to create blood.

Kidney disease is a condition where the functions of the kidneys are lost. Sometimes the loss of function of the kidney is temporary. On other occasions it is permanent or progressive leading eventually to kidney failure requiring dialysis or kidney transplantation to sustain life. It is estimated that some 15-20 million Nigerians to have some form of kidney disease and about 100-500 of every million Nigerians have advanced end stage kidney failure requiring dialysis or kidney transplantation. In some studies, 1 in every 10 hospital admissions have been associated with kidney failure requiring dialysis in Nigeria.(Ref 1-4).

The most common causes of kidney disease in Nigeria are diabetes mellitus, hypertension, infections , glomerulonephritis and toxin exposure from herbal medications or poorly manufactured or expired drugs. (Ref 3). Therefore, if you are over the age of 40, or have a personal history of diabetes or hypertension or a family history of kidney disease, you should ask your doctor to perform simple tests to detect kidney disease early. There are means available to hopefully prevent or delay kidney failure. Your doctor can also help you treat the cause of your kidney disease.

Treatment of kidney disease can be expensive if it is not detected early or managed by competent professionals (Ref 5). Not all healthcare providers or medical centers are equipped to deal with this disease so persons with kidney disease must know what is important in identifying centers that can provide high quality care.

It is therefore the intent of this brief post is to shine light on the issues that are necessary for the delivery of high quality kidney disease and dialysis care in Nigeria. To keep the reader engaged, the post will identify the quality measures, as they should be even in the Nigerian healthcare circumstance so that the information is of most benefit to readers. For the purpose of introduction, a performance measure or quality indicator is a standard of care that implies that healthcare providers are in error if they do not care for patients to the standards of the performance or clinical measure. This post does not intend to cover the more common healthcare service delivery issues such as location, access, respectful and timely service delivery or pricing, as it is probably safe to presume the public, government, payors and healthcare providers have sufficient knowledge and expectations on these front end issues. The strategies to measure quality and clinical performance in this field of healthcare are beyond the scope of this post.

For the purpose of this discussion, kidney disease refers to all severities of the disease before a diagnosis of kidney failure or end stage kidney disease requiring dialysis or transplantation is made. Dialysis care refers to all types of dialysis provided to patients with kidney failure or end stage kidney disease.

An important question for any reader is “how should I look at the information presented in this post?” Well the answer lies in the reason for reading the post in the first place, which in turn defines the position of the reader as a stakeholder. The questions from a patient, their family and friends would and should come from a different stake holder viewpoint than a health policy maker, a payor responsible for paying for kidney disease and dialysis care or the providers that include both the kidney specialists and general practitioners directly or indirectly involved in the provision of the care.

For example

  • A patient and their family might focus on quality and clinical performance measures that support a medical centers claim that they will deliver on the promise of preventing death and improving quality of life.
  • A policy maker or regulator while also interested in outcomes of death and quality of life would also focus on quality and performance measures that require governmental oversight or incentives.
  • A payor may ask questions focusing on a centers process of care that decreases the incidence of poor outcomes and minimizes costs of clinical outcomes of kidney disease such as catheter infections or hospitalizations due to stroke, heart failure and heart attacks. Payors are likely also interested in clear metrics of performance and quality that can be applied across the industry.
  • A provider may be interested in knowing the core quality and clinical performance measures necessary to improve patient and payor satisfaction and gain an edge over competitors.

With this in mind, let’s identify what quality and clinical performance measures are important in the delivery of effective kidney disease and dialysis care. These measures are best broken down into three categories based on the structure, process and outcome framework proposed by Donabedian (Ref 6)

The Structure of care refers to the components of the healthcare system

  • Adequacy of equipment and resources both for routine and emergency diagnosis and treatment
  • Administrative and organizational features of a clinic to efficiently mobilize resources for patient care. For example
  1. Pre-treatment triage for dialysis patients to determine the best environment for care
  2. Dialysis machine/water treatment system operation and disinfection protocols to ensure safe and timely delivery of treatment
  3. Systems to ensure patient education.
  • The resources and plans in place to ensure adequate physician, nurse and technician training and oversight
  • The resources, plans and administrative plans in place to ensure regulatory compliance.

The Process of care refers to the use of appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic modalities for the individual patient

  • Order entry and prescriptions

This includes plans and resources in place to ensure that the assessment of proteinuria, estimating the level of kidney function, prescribing kidney protective medications, correctly identifying threshold and timing of referral to a kidney specialist, evaluating abnormalities of mineral metabolism or evaluation by a surgeon for vascular access for dialysis is done in a timely manner.

  • Documentation and health care privacy compliance o Informed consent, patient record safety and privacy
  • Patient care including the procedures and protocols in place for routine and emergency care
  • Patient education on their disease, treatment options, dialysis access , dialysis adequacy and diet
  • Transplantation education and care

The Outcomes of care for kidney disease refer to the consequences of treatment and can represent markers of disease progression, health status or cost.

Examples of key outcomes of care for kidney disease include

  • Proportion of patients in a program with adequate blood pressure and anemia control
  • Proportion of dialysis patients who started long-term dialysis in an emergency situation

Examples of key outcomes of dialysis care include

  • Catheter infection rates
  • Rates at which patients get dialysis with a groin catheter.
  • The proportion of dialysis patients at a center with a fistula or graft instead of a dialysis catheter,
  • Admission/Hospitalization rates for complications of kidney failure such as heart failure
  • Death rates
  • Dialysis dose goal achievement.

In the Nigerian context, many patients do not come as regularly as 3 times a week for reasons primarily related to out-of-pocket costs of care. Nevertheless, programs should be able to provide patients whenever they come in for treatment with a dialysis dose Kt/V of approximately 1.2 at each treatment. Modern dialysis machines have online monitoring systems that permit the doctor and nurse make adjustments in real-time to achieve this goal.

  • Proportion of patients with moderate and severe anemia
  • Proportion of patients with adequate blood pressure control

To conclude this discussion, It is important for all stakeholders, especially healthcare providers to realize that clinical practice guidelines while important in improving the quality of care are not quality and clinical performance measures. Guidelines for care are written to suggest diagnostic and treatment approaches for most patients most of the time. They do not however set the standards to which the quality of care and patient outcomes should be measured.

The issue of quality in Nigerian healthcare is a growing topic of interest and discussion. All stakeholders are demanding for more but it is important that they know what to ask for. For additional reading on the greater issue of healthcare quality especially from a patient perspective, the reader is referred to a recent blog post by Dr Uche Ofoma on the Nigeria Health Blog at


1. Ulasi I and Ijoma C.K. The enormity of chronic kidney disease in Nigeria: the situation in a teaching hospital in South-East Nigeria

2. Akinsola W, Odesanmi W.O, Ogunniyi J.O, Ladipo G.O. Diseases causing chronic renal failure in Nigerians- a prospective study of 100 cases. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 1989. vol 18, no 2, pp 131-137

3. Adetuyibi A, Akinsanya J.B, Onadeko B.O. Analysis of the causes of death on the medical wards of the university college Hospital Ibadan over a 14 year period (1960-1973). Transactions of the Royal Society of tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1976. Vol 70, no 5-6, pp466-473.

4. Alebiosu C, Ayodele O, Abbas A and Olutoyin A. Chronic renal failure at the Olabisi Onabanjo University teaching hospital, Sagamu Nigeria. Afr Health Sci. 2006 September; 6(3):132-138

5. Ijoma C.K, Ulasi I.I. Cost implications of treatment of end stage renal disease in Nigeria. Journal of the College of medicine. 1998, vol 3, no 2, pp 95-96

6. Donabedian A. Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care. Millbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 1966; 44(suppl):166-206